Core Values

A Vision for Educational Excellence in the Appleton Village School

As educators, parents, and community members we recognize our responsibility to ensure a promising future through education.

It is our responsibility to provide a learning environment that stresses the importance of school, nurtures self-esteem, and ensures the development of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values children need to be productive members of our society. We recognize a shared responsibility to promote a school community where people will:
1. Think independently
2. Know how to access information
3. Dare to take risks - the right answer is not as important as the willingness to try
4. Develop organizational skills
5. Be exposed to new ideas and points of view
6. Appreciate reading
7. Use all curriculum areas to enrich their lives
8. Start from the concrete and progress to the abstract in all curriculum areas
9. Be able to respect, support, and befriend others
10. Be able to recognize and deal with feelings
11. Work up to their potential at the appropriate developmental level
12. Recognize and assume good citizenship - learn locally, think globally 
13. Learn in an environment where individual success and potential are recognized
14. Develop skills and attitudes necessary for life-long learning.
15. Learn to work with others cooperatively in the pursuit of a common goal

Further, we believe that the process of change must be accompanied by a commitment to provide the teacher training, encourage innovation, and support programs that will promote this vision

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